Community Event

Our Community Play Meeting

Wednesday 13 October 2021

We are looking for musicians, actors, crew, costume and make-up enthusiasts to take part in a community play which will take place on 15-16 June 2022. Experienced or beginner? All are welcome. It will be a fantastic community event so come along to a meeting to find out how you can contribute while having fun! Dates for auditions and rehearsals revealed at the meeting.


Starts 6:00 P.M.

Free entry - no tickets

We are looking for musicians, actors, crew, costume and make-up enthusiasts to take part in a community play which will take place on 15-16 June 2022. Experienced or beginner? All are welcome. It will be a fantastic community event so come along to a meeting to find out how you can contribute while having fun! Dates for auditions and rehearsals revealed at the meeting.

Yes, at last we have dates, Marine Theatre is booked, and our next Community Play is happening. We have a play, a director, and a core team. What we need now is you.

Following the success and fun we had with the Tempest, Monmouth and 125  Years at the Marine, Andy Rattenbury has written another play for us ‘Lyme and the Sea’. The theme of the play is the close connections with the sea for the local community through the ages. Through many songs -shanties included- and lively music, actors celebrate the sea and tell the story. 

There will be many parts and opportunities for our community groups to get involved rather like for the 125 show. We will also need backstage crew , costume, and makeup enthusiasts to work with us on the show. We are planning workshops in the different skill sets to make this a learning and supportive experience for everyone including our youngest. 

The next step is to come along to a preview meeting so we can tell you more. These meetings will be held at the Marine on 10 and 13 October for about an hour. On 10 October at 5pm and 13 October at 6pm

We plan to sort casting parts in early December and start one a week rehearsals in January. We will move to two rehearsals a week after the February half-term with more , including some weekends, as we get close to the performances. Rehearsals will be held in Woodmead Halls and the church Hall if the Marine is not available. 

So put these dates in your diaries and come along to one of the preview meetings to find out more and meet the team. We want to tell you about the play and the parts and give more detail about auditions. 

See you at the Marine.