Tickets are available for both readers and listeners.
The real Inspector Hound, by Tom Stoppard
This is our second play by Tom Stoppard this year, but no apologies for giving airtime to this
amazingly gifted writer. A short one-act play, the plot follows two theatre critics named Moon
and Birdboot who are watching a ludicrous setup of a country house mystery murder in the
style of a whodunnit. By chance, they become involved in the action causing a series of
events that parallel the play they are watching.
A Message from the organiser Chris Gill
We have now established a tradition of reading a play once a month at the Marine Theatre, which is kindly providing the venue free to support community drama. We have a small group of regular attenders and we are always pleased to welcome new people, whether they want to read or just listen. The selection for April to June is varied and exciting as usual and driven by the suggestions of our regular attendees. If you want to go on our circulation list or have any questions about the meetings, please contact Chris Gill through the Marine Theatre.
Please remember to bring with you a paper or screen copy of the script if you wish to read. We are not able to provide copies.
This is a free but ticketed event.