
Living Spit: Elizabeth I – Virgin on the Ridiculous

Wednesday 25 May 2022

With live original music, silly songs, smutty shenanigans, perfunctory props, and hysterically historical horseplay, this theatre show by Living Spit promises to be (another) poorly researched lesson in Tudor history that you’ll never forget.

Book Now

Bar opens 6:30 P.M.
Starts 7:30 P.M.
Advance £16.00

10% off for members

Unreserved Seating

Book online at any time, at the Lyme Regis Bookshop and Bridport Tourist Information Centre during normal opening hours, the Marine on Monday and Friday mornings 10 – 1, and over the phone on 01308 424901. The displayed price includes a £1 restoration levy.

Booking fee may apply

With live original music, silly songs, smutty shenanigans, perfunctory props, and hysterically historical horseplay, this theatre show by Living Spit promises to be (another) poorly researched lesson in Tudor history that you’ll never forget.

1558. England. A country divided by religion and politics, teetering on the brink of civil war. The hopes of the nation lie with one woman.

2022. England. A country divided by those who enjoy plays featuring men in dresses and those who don’t. The hopes of the nation lie with two West-Country actors.

Yes, that’s right. By popular demand (and the fact that they can’t be bothered to write a new show) Elizabeth’s back! The third of Living Spit’s (un)Holy Trinity of hilarious heritage historiographies is go as Howard and Stu attempt to tell the story of the greatest monarch that ever lived – Elizabeth: The Virgin Queen.

With live original music, silly songs, smutty shenanigans, perfunctory props, and hysterically historical horseplay, this promises to be (another) poorly researched lesson in Tudor history that you’ll never forget.

“A case study of sinewy simplicity and honed comedy craftsmanship.”

The Stage


“Side-splittingly funny.”

StageTalk Magazine