Lyme and the Sea

Our Community Play in June 2022

Community plays are a great way to show your talent or learn new skills. Our next Community Play is happening in June and tickets are now on sale for 15 – 18 June.

Following the success and fun we had with the Tempest, Monmouth and Are You Going to the Marine? screenwriter and theatre patron Andrew Rattenbury has written another play for us: ‘Lyme and the Sea’. The theme of the play is the close connections with the sea for the local community through the ages. Through many songs—shanties included—and lively music, actors celebrate the sea and tell the story. 

Over 60 members of the community are involved as actors, crew, organisers, and more.

Images from Monmouth – a previous community play

What is a community play?

The purpose of a community play is to enable the widest number of people in a community to produce and participate in an original play that is challenging, contemporarily relevant and of high artistic quality. The plays are inclusive in all aspects, anyone and everyone can participate in all areas of producing the play including management, design, making, research,  acting and much more. The production is community owned and community led.  The process of producing a community play releases and develops the thinking, talents and skills of individuals and the community – often leading to further collective and creative activity long after the play is over.  Through the months leading up to the production, an abundance of activities, meetings, workshops and rehearsals develop friendships and support between people that represent a major reward of the work. The result is that people feel better connected to each other, to their sense of place and belonging. Participants leave feeling empowered to shape the places they live or work and to take a more proactive role in community life.